Darn you Steve Gottlieb! 8)

by Jeffrey D. Gortatowsky

Thank you Steve Gottlieb for providing several hours of fun and frustation last night at Anza (the OCA observing site).

Your "Summer Globular Challenge" list proved the better of me and my 18" LITEBOX. I spent FAR FAR too long searching for just the first 4 (!!!) of these things.

You know the LITEBOX generates alot of interest, people wanting to come by and observe through it. Imagine people just shaking their heads when I told them I have not even completed a Messier survey with my LITEBOX (with apologies to Jay!). "No, I am NOT looking for Messiers tonight, but thanks for the offer to find them. Yes, I am attempting to find these ghostly globs of astro-illogical stardust!" 8)

When I ask them what they were observing, their answer was, "Oh, the usual." 8)

Last night was all globulars, all the time! Bagged about 13 of them, some common, some not so common. Also peeked at Tempel 2, Jupiter, and Saturn. But these "Gottlieb Glob(tm)" suckers are HARD (at least for me)! And they swallow time whole!!! Maybe someday I'll have the pleasure of having Steve actually show me these! And I never got to that PlNeb list!

Dusk to dawn! What fun!