Speaking of Mars ...

by Paul LeFevre

I did my early-morning routine again this morning, and Mars was indeed looking good.

This morning I took great care in sketching what I saw -- there were a few moments when Mars snapped into sharpness and was very clear. It made me wish I had my clock-drive EQ mount instead of the dob, since it's hard to track at 300X and sketch at the same time.

Around 5:30 AM, I went on the 'net and got Mars Previewer (thanks, Bill!). Setting it for the time I was observing, it bears a remarkable resemblance to my sketch! Niliacus Lacus was the most prominent feature I could make out, but I also saw Aurorae Sinus and Mare Erythaeum. A few weeks ago I was able to make out the North polar cap, but haven't been able to say I've seen it for the past two days -- too late in Mars summer?

Getting up at 3:00 AM does have its rewards, and I'm learning more every morning...now I just have to take a nap this afternoon...

I recently acquired a Logitech Color Quick-Cam Pro, with a nice long 15-foot USB cable. I plan on modifying the QC to attach to my scope this weekend, and try some CCD imaging of Mars on a shoestring. We'll see if it works!