Nice sky!

Bob Czerwinski
Richard Navarrete
Peter Natscher
Ray Gralak

18:38:56 Bob Czerwinski
What a beautiful sunset! Just wandered outside of my Belmont office with my binos for a few minutes (~6:30pm) and pointed out Saturn, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury to some of my co-workers. Oh, and that big ol' round thing over on the Eastern horizon, too. Quite a sight.

18:44:30 Richard Navarrete
Isn't it amazing how often the sky is clear when it's full moon? /:-(

19:17:38 Peter Natscher
Just stepped outside to view the beautiful sunset and saw Saturn, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury all in a nice straight line. Mercury looks pretty bright 5 degrees up.

19:34:35 Ray Gralak
Not to mention how steady the atmosphere is! Take a look at Sirius. It is hardly twinkling! I was just using 400x on Saturn with my 4" refractor. Only a little tiny bit of turbulence from the foothills in the Berryessa area. I could even see belts on Jupiter when it was only 6.72 degrees above the horizon (according to my SkySensor 2000).

19:52:45 Bob Czerwinski
While waiting to see if the PEGASUS launch would occur, I watched Mercury march all the way to my horizon, setting about 7:20pm for me. I was amazed at how long I could keep it in (0x) view. But never saw any sign of PEGASUS. Does anybody know if it was launched?