On the evening of 25 November, 1998, while observing from Fremont Peak State Park, near San Juan Bautista, California, I finished the survey of Herschel-400 objects that I have been working on with Refractor Red, my 55 mm Vixen fluorite with the dayglow tube. I also logged six stars in the Trapezium with the same instrument.
A survey of the Astronomical League's Herschel "400" list has been my prime observing program with the little telescope for six months. When I started out, I was by no means sure I was going to be able to detect all of these objects, but after I successfully located several very tough ones in the summer sky, I became pretty certain that the instrument was capable of the task. I entered November with 86 objects to go, but four rather late nights in my yard in Palo Alto reduced that to 25, and consultation with a planisphere indicated that if the weather would cooperate, I had a chance to finish the rest from Fremont Peak without staying up much past two in the morning: Clear sky and lack of light domes would make the open clusters in the Puppis and Pyxis Milky Way detectable not long after they cleared the southeastern horizon.
A lull between fronts made the evening before Thanksgiving look promising, so I headed off after supper, to find Fremont Peak with clear sky and good seeing, totally unoccupied, and not even too cold -- calm conditions and a subsidence condition after the front created a temperature inversion and kept the moisture and cold air low. In about two hours I had wrapped up the survey.
The last night created no particular sense of climax; most of the objects were pretty easy, and the final one that I happened to look at was NGC 2903, an elongated galaxy bright enough that Messier could have seen it. However, the evening underscored several previous experiences I have had while conducting this program, and I shall repeat them here:
At any rate, I hope my experiences will encourage those of you who have small telescopes and less than perfect conditions to try deep-sky observation even so. Refractor Red is an exquisite telescope, and a rather expensive one for its size, but none of its costly perfection was particularly relevant to the Herschel 400. I expect a 60 mm tasco could do just as well, using no eyepieces but the ones that came with it. Who will prove me right?
As the night wore on, I kept noticing that stars were not twinkling very much, which made me suspect good seeing. So when I finished the Herschel 400 list, I put in my Meade 4 mm Research-Grade Orthoscopic eyepiece (110x, 0.5 mm exit pupil), with the idea of trying some double stars. Orion was just transiting, so I lined up the Trapezium. To my surprise and delight, I could see six stars! Besides the ones that are called A, B, C, and D, in the usual notation, I could see E and F! I must hasten to add, that although any detection of the latter two stars with so small an aperture as 55 mm is spectacular, the quality of these particular detections was not spectacular by any means.
Star E was the easier of the two -- I could hold it with averted vision about twenty-five percent of the time. (I have no idea why averted vision helps detect a faint component of a multiple-star system, that is bright enough that it would be easy to detect without averted vision if it were off by itself, but it does.) I had no sense that the detection was seeing-limited -- seeing was pretty good, though no star in the Trapezium was bright enough to show diffraction rings, so I could not evaluate it via the traditional criteria of ring stability. Rather, I suspect that the detections were based on my using averted vision just the right way, and either holding my eye just still enough, or perhaps moving it in just the right way, and when everything added up all positive, the star popped out.
Star F was much harder. I could see it perhaps only five percent of the time, and whereas I might have spotted E if I had not known where to look, I don't think I would have made an unknowing detection of F. In those instants when I could see it, however, it was convincing.
I had planned to look at some more double stars, but I decided that there wasn't much prospect of topping that one, so I took the telescope down and drove home.