A few hardy souls, fearful of lightening, helped out at Palo Alto Foothills Park for the public star party. Leonard T and family, Peter N, Jerry E, and several others entertained about 25 visitors between 9 and 11:15, when the rangers gently suggested we pack up.
Nice views of Mercury were seen thru a C8, traveller, Coulter 8, Orion short tube 80, Ceravolo 216 Mak-Newt, 11/80's and several others. On to M57 (very bright), e-L:yra, Alberio, followed by bright summer Sag. objects, including M22 and even M5 sneaking in. The site on Vista Hill brought several comments on how favorable the southern horizon is, fairly low and quite dark, looking away fromm the SV light dome at that location.
Eventually the Milky Way got bright, uncovering numerous open clusters. Peter's great views of the dumbell thru the Mak-Newt with o3 filter were the highlight for me.
The evening was short but pleasant, with almost shirtsleeve weather, no breeze, fair transparency, good southern horizon, good company, appreciative visitors, and close location. wonder if the park might let us stay later in the future.....