After a cloudy day, the sky cleared for a good night of lunar observing at the MIRA public star Party at Garland Park. Aristoteles [5] and Eudoxus [13] were just off the terminator with their floors in shadow. Mare Serenitatis was nicely placed and the wrinkle ridges, Dorsa Smirnov [14], were very prominent.
The flooded crater Julius Caesar [34] was also well placed near the terminator and the row of craters between it and crater Sosigenes [35] were very standing out nicely. Just below Julius Caesar, Rima Ariadaeus could be clearly seen at 170x. This feature might be a graben, two parallel faults where the area between them has dropped, or it might be a collapsed lava tube.
[page number] from Atlas of the Moon by Antonin Rukl.