Messier Marathon?

Jay Reynolds Freeman
Marsha Robinson
Mark Wagner

Sun, 29 Mar 1998 03:02:37 (PST) Jay Reynolds Freeman
Hey, where'd everybody go for Saturday night's Messier Marathon? Fremont Peak seems to have been weathered out -- at any rate, when I left there at about 9 PM it was cloudy -- but when I got to the outer lot at Coe the sky was clear and I had a great time. But I didn't see another telescope, or even another person, at either location.

-- Jay "no-I'm-not-kidding" Freeman

Sun, 29 Mar 1998 08:34:28 Marsha Robinson
Jay, after surviving the hail storm at Coe, and looking at nothing but clouds as far as the eye could see, Mark invited us all to his house a nonstar party. A few of us tried out the Wagner's new hot tub. A great time was had by all. Even there in Los Gatos, we only occasionally saw a star or two through the clouds. It's hard to believe that Coe was clear. I guess we would have had to stick it out for 3 hours before we could see the sky.

But what about tonight? The weather forecast is for partly cloudy, but mostly clear.

Sun, 29 Mar 1998 08:36:56 Mark Wagner
We all left just before sunset after a big time hail storm (not golf balls, but stinging pellets blown by a strong wind). We went to my house, had party, saw that at one point the sky cleared but clouded up again later.

Hope you had a good time!