WoW, what a moon!
By Robin Casady

Oh boy, oh boy, a semi clear night! So, I brought out the big guns. I had the Tak TSC with binoviewer and was switching between 16mm and 10mm orthos--giving powers of about 211x and 338x.

The Moon had her dorsal fins up last night. Dorsa Smirnov, most of Dorsa Lister, and all the wrinkles around Lamont were quite prominent. I'd never looked at Lamont before. Is this a very ancient crater, or a result of movement in the crust?

Catharina was playing Rorshach games. It looked quite different than Rukl's illustration. I couldn't decide whether it looked like it contained a crab with a sea anemone on its back, or a gnome with his arms over his head. No, I wasn't drinking Russian Vodka.

In moments of better seeing Posidonius revealed its rimae. They would pop in and out. Occasional clouds where going by at a fast clip, so the atmosphere was definitely active.

As the Moon was descending into the western sky, a large bank of high clouds came in and I packed it in.