Jupiter and weather
By Peter Rathmann

With the uncertain weather, it didn't seem worthwhile going anywhere, so I just set up my 8" Optical Craftsman on my driveway in San Ramon and hoped for some holes in the clouds. Once Jupiter showed itself for a few minutes, I got the scope lined up and tracking. I was a little surprised to note that I could frequently still see the eq. bands through the scope even when the planet was hidden to the naked eye by the clouds. I missed the first shadow ingress and it was already some distance in from the edge when a gap in the clouds let me see it. This shadow was located just about in the middle of the S. Eq. band. The second shadow ingress occurred right in the middle of a gap in the clouds and was located near the equator. The seeing changed dramatically as the clouds shifted. It seemed to be worst right at the edges of the holes, so I would go from having a fairly steady but dim view, to having a bright but wavering view, and then sometimes getting a few moments of bright and steady seeing near the middle of the hole. Unfortunately, my luck didn't hold out long enough for the third shadow and when the rain drops started to fall, I packed things back into the garage.