I just saw a shadow in the daytime. Why is this a big deal, you ask? Because the shadow was on Jupiter and the Sun was shining on me. (OK, actually I was in the shade of my house, you'll give me that much literary license, right?)
Dave, Akkana and I had been discussion whether it would be possible to see a moon shadow in the daytime sky. I thought it was worth a try; Akkana thought it should be possible. Starry Night said that a perfect event was going to happen this afternoon.
So at 4:30pm PST today (Oct 27), as the shadow of Io crossed Jupiter's meridian was watching. Using my 12" LX200 and my new binoviewer and 19mm Panoptics I just couldn't see it. But with my 12mm Nagler and no binoviewer it was there! Not easy, mind you but definitely there. I could also see it in most of my other eyepieces (including the 19mm Pans). I finally saw it with the binoviewer, too, but it was MUCH more difficult. I guess that extra bit of light really matters sometimes.
As the Sun set, I was taking my scope back inside (just to be perverse). I'm afraid I'm going to have to watch the business news tonight :-(