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NGC# R.A. Dec. Mag. Typ Con Tirion Uranometria Size Class 7662 23 25.8 42 33 9.0 PlN And 9 V1 88 17" X 14" 4(3) 7686 23 30.2 49 8 8.0 OCl And 9 V1 88 15.0' IV 1 p 7606 23 19.1 -8 29 11.5 Gal Aqr 17 V2 304 7723 23 38.9 -12 58 12.0 Gal Aqr 17 V2 304 7727 23 39.9 -12 18 11.5 Gal Aqr 17 V2 304 7789 23 57.0 56 44 9.5 OCl Cas 3 V1 35 16.0' II 1 r 7790 23 58.4 61 13 7.0 OCl Cas 3 V1 15 17.0' III 2 p 7380 22 47.0 58 6 9.0 C/N Cep 3 V1 58 12.0' III 3 p n 7510 23 11.5 60 34 9.5 OCl Cep 3 V1 58 4.0' II 2 m n 7209 22 5.1 46 30 8.0 OCl Lac 9 V1 87 25.0' III 1 p 7243 22 15.3 49 53 6.5 OCl Lac 9 V1 87 21.0' IV 2 p 7296 22 28.2 52 17 9.5 OCl Lac 3 V1 57 4.0' III 2 p 7217 22 7.9 31 22 11.5 Gal Peg 9 V1 122 7331 22 37.0 34 25 10.5 Gal Peg 9 V1 123 7448 23 0.1 15 59 12.5 Gal Peg 17 V1 213 7479 23 4.9 12 19 11.5 Gal Peg 17 V1 213
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Send questions or comments to Mark Wagner