(1.22 * L * 0.20265)/D where: L is the wavelength of the light involved in nanometers D is the dia. of the aperture in mm.
For 203mm diameter, and 600nm light, this works out to 0.73 arc-seconds. There are variations on this formula depending on what one calls "resolution". Another popular variant is to replace the 1.22 by 1.0. In this case, for the same conditions, the resolution is 0.60 arc-seconds.
Magnification is easy: F/f = (tan&
Eyepieces and Field of View...
The exact field-of-view formula:
[An approximate formula is T = (f/F) * A where tan &
The eyepieces involved are:
The magnifications and true fields of view, using the more exact formula,
calculate (with F = 2032mm for SCT, 480mm for Ranger) to:
The max. AFOV possible for any eyepiece focal length is given by putting in
the max. TFOV due to barrel diameter (B) limit:
T = 2 * arctan<(f/F) * tan>
where A = apparent field of view
T = true field of view
F = focal length of the telescope
f = focal length of the eyepiece
Manufacturer & Model Barrel f A
Vixen Lanthanum 1.25" 2.5mm 45 degr.
Orion Ultrascopic 1.25" 3.8 52
Pentax XL 1.25" 7 65
Televue Plossl 1.25" 8 50
Televue Nagler 1.25"/2" 9 82
Televue Nagler 1.25"/2" 13 82
Pentax XL 1.25" 14 65
Televue Plossl 1.25" 15 50
Orion Plossl 1.25" 17 50
Televue Plossl 1.25" 20 50
Televue Panoptic 1.25"/2" 22 68
Televue Panoptic 2" 27 68
Orion Plossl 1.25" 32 50
Pentax XL 2" 40 65
Eyepiece Scope TFOV Magnif. Exit Pupil
2.5mm Vixen Ranger 0.25 degr. 192X 0.4mm
3.8mm Ultrscpc Ranger 0.44 126X 0.6
8mm Plossl Ranger 0.89 60X 1.2
15mm Plossl Ranger 1.67 32X 2.2
20mm Plossl Ranger 2.22 24X 2.9
32mm Plossl Ranger 3.56 15X 4.7
7mm Pentax SCT 0.25 290X 0.7
9mm Nagler SCT 0.44 226X 0.9
13mm Nagler SCT 0.64 156X 1.3
14mm Pentax SCT 0.50 145X 1.4
17mm Plossl SCT 0.45 119X 1.7
22mm Panoptic SCT 0.84 92X 2.2
27mm Panoptic SCT 1.03 75X 2.7
40mm Pentax SCT 1.44 51X 4.0