Brief OR for 8/27 at Lake Sonoma

by Steve Gottlieb

I ended up opting for a shorter drive to Lake Sonoma. We also had excellent seeing before 11 (very sharp images at 400x-500x) and then softening in the hour and a half before moonrise. But I was really disappointed in the transparency with a NELM of ~5.5 over most of the sky and down nearly a magnitude from a better night at this site. The Milky Way was pretty ugly - significantly washed out in comparison to the skies last month from the Sierra Buttes. Was this predictable from the water vapor maps? I tried reobserving several Hicksons but kept striking out on the faintest members. Maybe I should have hung around to hear Timothy Ferris speak, instead, at the AANC conference.

Posted on tac-sac Aug 28, 2005 13:31:27 PT
Converted by 1.2 Mar 08, 2006 23:06:01 PT