CCNP Event

by Matt Tarlach

Last Friday's Astro program at Cache Creek went off pretty well! We had about 25 people, 4 of whom brought scopes (besides me). Two of the those were 60mm junk refractors, but the other two were Meade go-to scopes of decent quality and I was able to get those going for some basic viewing. Our host from CCNP gave a basic precentation on bats and owls, I gave an update on Deep Impact, then it was off to the scopes!

Most of the viewing was done through my 7" Mak - we started with the Moon and Jupiter. Nobody seemed to mind the short wait to look through the scope, in fact it gave time for quick discussion of the nature of the objects on view. When it got fully dark we did a deepsky sampler: Albireo, M27, M8, M13, M81. A nebula filter allowed for decent views of the DSOs even under the light of the 1st-Quarter Moon...though of course it would have been better under a dark sky. Maybe next time!

Posted on tac-sac Jul 17, 2005 17:41:34 PT
Converted by 1.2 Oct 10, 2005 11:23:32 PT