SSP & AL Doubles

by Mark Bracewell

At SSP I finished the AL Double star club list.


Great list, plenty of eye candy, plenty of challenges.

Theta Aurigae and Epsilon CMa, good battles won. Delta Geminorum and Nu Scorpii, extremely pretty.

Porrima, Gamma Nemesis, er, Virginis. Yeah, right, I'll split that when pigs fly, or maybe next decade.

Oddly enough, one of the best wasn't on the list at all - Tau CMa (thanks Bob).

60 out of the 100 on the list I did with my 75 year old f/15 beastie. It's really nice for doubles.

The whole, tedious (unless you're a doubles fan) log is here:

Posted on sf-bay-tac Jul 18, 2005 23:08:09 PT
Converted by 1.2 Oct 10, 2005 11:29:12 PT