Tempel 1 (9P), think seen it

by Julius Szakacs

Using my C-11 tonight I've seen a very faint star like object, about 11 mag blinking in and out every few minuts, next/below a few arc sec? to Star TYC 5545-33-1 10.34 mag.

SN Pro 3.1 shows no star close to below 5545-33-1.

IS THAT THE ONE,Tempel 1 (9P)?

Brightness is comparable to GSC5545-660 11.83 mag Star.

In my back yard seeing is bad, about 3.5 mag, can't see the Small Dipper's (Ursa Minor) mag 4.0+ stars, only the mag 3.0 stars and Megrez 3.31 mag.

Well, it didn't look like a fuzzy patch, just a fain point, hard to tell. Unless I've discovered a new Super Nova! (o:

Albert, I was using 50x, mostly 80x power with my 24 mm plossel, .6 deg field in the C-11. I'll take another look tonight, if it moved, than I'm right..

Comet should show between TYC 5545-1260 and 1268, 1' arc away , according to SN Pro 3.1. Sorry, I'm using goto mount, so I'm looking it faint star pattern within a 1/2 deg eyepiece view.

Posted on sf-bay-tac Jul 02, 2005 02:40:13 PT
Converted by report.pm 1.2 Sep 26, 2005 20:25:33 PT