And the winner... Plettstone! (kinda)

by Richard Navarrete

Had a great time at Plettstone last night. The sky was clear and dark, and the seeing steady. I am in the 'been there, done that' camp regarding Messier Marathons so was working on the Herschell II list. Dont' ask me why. I'm down to less than 100 object to go and I have not been impressed with the objects chosen. That list needs a major overhaul in my opinion. In any case, logged 21 new objects, enjoyed the company of Michelle, Guillermo Ortiz, Bob J, and Albert Highe.

The only problem during the night was the dew. I was constantly having to use my little blow dryer to clear the finder scopes and eyepieces. Everything was wet. We finally bagged it about 12:30 and started tearing down. I had intended to spend the night, but was feeling good and decided to head home. I enjoy driving at night. All was well until I hit 580 outside of Modesto. Thick, thick fog. It was hard to see the lines on the road. I didn't like it. I would have pulled off and waited until the morning if I could have seen the exits. It finally cleared just before that big turn when 580 heads through the Altamont pass. Clear sailing after that. Got home around 4 and had a nice comfy sleep in my own bed.

Posted on sf-bay-tac Mar 13, 2005 10:55:36 PT
Converted by 1.2 Mar 14, 2005 19:24:13 PT