MB ORs from last night?

by Jeff Crilly

Curious to know what I missed out on Tue night @ MB...anyone?

It was pretty nice. very dry. Ok transparancy (seemed good)... by 2 am the sky seemedd more grey.

Btw, There was an earlier issue where some cycler's cars got broken into.. laptops/pdas/etc were stolen. So the rangers and police were up there taking notes and names (of the victims) until well after dark. The ranger said this is the worst its been, and its apparantly an "organized" crime... i.e. they have spotters, etc. The rangers also noted losses of some of the equipment at their maintainence sites.

Coyotes were out.. when I was leaving at 2am or so, one was stalking me. No big deal.

There were five or six of us up there.. also a fellow from Berlin Germany. Kindof a long drive, but he enjoyed it. (actually, he was here on business, and bought a 80ed at orion, which we rigged up to Dennis' spare tripod.)

I spent most of the night doing simple ccd images of m17/m16. Here's a 5 minute exposure of m16...


Posted on sf-bay-tac Aug 18, 2004 16:47:39 PT
Converted by report.pm 1.2 Jan 08, 2005 20:41:17 PT