Solar viewing in Sunnyvale 7/22

by Michael Swartz

I don't normally post this often but there has been an unusual combination this week of spare time for viewing and cool stuff to look at. So, I've been out. I want to thank those who were able to join me for solar viewing. I have really enjoyed meeting you in the day time, viewing the sun together and getting to relax and have some nice conversation. A number of folks just passing by also stopped and enjoyed the view and talked for a while too.

Today was another nice day for viewing. Some of the things I have enjoyed looking at the last few days have rotated out of view. There were still some nice prominences around the edge. Interesting shapes and structures could be seen. The centerpiece for today was most definitely spot 652 which has grown into a pair of large spots that looked like a snake bite or a vampire bite. The additional surface activity around those two large spots was incredible. It was a very good example of solar dynamics in action. You could see very visible currents. You could see layers and depth. You could see smaller arch like filiments, bright cracks, and very clear dark black lines that followed the contour of various structures. It was most amazing.

I was out there for about two hours. I brought my umbrella so I could sit in the shade and relax while others were at the eyepiece. There was a nice cool breeze, cold drinks, friendly conversation and some really good spots.

A nice day indeed. Thanks again for coming out to see me. It made my day.

I'll be working in Castro Valley again tomorrow. If anyone is interested in getting together around lunch time please let me know and we'll settle on place and time.

Clear Skies!

Posted on sf-bay-tac Jul 22, 2004 14:38:52 PT
Converted by 1.2 Jan 03, 2005 19:48:03 PT