Astrocon '04 at Lick

by Rich Neuschaefer

Lick Observatory, July 21, '04

A big congratulations to Mike Koop for organizing a fun visit to Lick Observatory for the Astrocon '04 visitors. I'm sure it looked easy to the people attending Astrocon, but Mike worked very hard making their visit to Lick Observatory a good time.

I was a volunteer at Lick for Astrocon '04. I had my AP 155EDFS available for visitors to view through while waiting to look through the big 36" Lick refractor. We had a great time. I took requests for different objects. The sky was clear. The seeing was very good. We had a temperture inversion. It was in the low 70s F at Lick and about 15 deg cooler down the hill.

It was easy to see the companion of Antares. We looked at, sometimes several times, M22, M8, M17, M16, M13, M92, M27, M57, M51, M101, M31, M32, M110, the Veil, Alberio, a wider Albireo like double, Omicron, near Deneb, the Double Double, and NGC 7331.

I was not the only one volunteering at Lick with a telescope. There were four of us with telescopes and others helping the visitors get safely to and from the 36" refractor.

Posted on sf-bay-tac Jul 22, 2004 21:59:00 PT
Converted by 1.2 Jan 04, 2005 19:48:20 PT