Thanks to Plettstone

by David Windstrom

I would like to publically thank Michelle Stone and Paul Plett who hosted a number of us vagabonds from the ill-fated Bodie weekend, destroyed by weather and forest fires. We had some weather irregularities, but had enough time Friday and Saturday night to get in some nice views, and apparently was one of the few places in Northern California worth visiting this weekend.

Not only was the site high-quality, but Michelle and Paul graciously accepted our descending on them, also providing access to toilets, refrigerators (to cool the beer), great conversation (when it clouded over), and an all-around nice weekend. Thank you, Michelle and Paul!

BTW, if anyone has been considering reasonably priced Dobsonian telescopes, Michelle makes these from scratch, in a very impressive workshop I visited. I was impressed. Check out her website at

Thank you, Michelle and Paul, for hosting us!

Posted on sf-bay-tac Jul 20, 2004 09:36:57 PT
Converted by 1.2 Jan 04, 2005 19:43:58 PT