Martian invasion last night

by Lynne Jolitz

It was definitely jumping at Hauge Park Friday night. We didn't bring all the scopes because we thought there'd be plenty already. There were plenty of scopes, but plenty more people. Had a line at one point of 40 people for the C8!

Totally exhausted by the end. Good thing we spent the prior weekend on top of the mountain for a Sagitarius rally and some of the best seeing in months, because in SJ it was non-stop Mars, Mars, Mars (although Ben did get some folks to look at the lagoon nebula through his fork-mount 6-inch Newtonian).

The best customer was one ready to slip $20 to see Saturn... :-)

The best compliment was from some very nice folks who came back later in the evening and wanted another look at Mars through the C8 because it "seemed sharper" than other scopes. Don't know if this was true (flattery gets you everywhere) but here goes - "Collimation rules!" say the OOGLERS (Old Observing Guys Limited Eye Resolution)! :-)

Next Weds we'll bring all the scopes...