Dec 7 @ BC

by Marsha Robinson

For the curious:

At BC, Brian said there were 4 telescopes set up. Seemed strange as there were a lot of cars. There was a bank of clouds, flat and low in the west, that never came our way. The seeing wasn't that good, but that is usual. The transparency, however, was outstanding! It reminded me of a night at Michelle's in Mariposa. Not only was M31 naked eye, I think I made out Mark's globular cluster in the galaxy. ;-)

Extraordinary view of the Skull in Brian's 22", as well as, the Hamburger. Brian, in Discover Mag (Nov), they called it Gomez's Hamburger. Who is Gomez???

At 11:00 pm I thought it was 2:00 am so that was a perk. But, I was on the road home at midnight mainly because I had exhausted my list. It wasn't that cold. We were bundled, but no need for hand/feet warmers. Nose wasn't cold.

I hunted galaxies in Pices, Triangulum, Cetus, Aries, and Taurus. I was curious if anyone else has seen NGC 741 and 742 in Pices. I swear I saw two cores even though 742 is 0.2 and 14.3 Mag lying on the big 741. I found that if I positioned the galaxy in the top right side, I got an image of both (mainly seeing two cores). But let me know if it was possible for me to have seen both in a 14.5" Starmaster.

mars p.s. Great find, Jim!! Did you create a map for the rest of us to find the spot?