MB, thursday

by Jim Feldhouse

started out really wet, then dried up some, with definitly above average seeing. some high clouds.

I was mainly playing with equipment, trying to figure out eyepiece projection, but turned towards Mars about an hour before transit. I had it between 300x&400x mostly, with regular sharp edges. there were moments when it looked like a ruddy gibbous moon. The side of Mars facing us is kind of dull.

There was 2 seperate dark areas in a crescent, backwards embracing the southern pole. With a light red filter, there were moments when these 2 dark areas were tak sharp "windswept" outlines. I know they aren't really windswept, but they look like that. Mostly though, the 2 areas looked like 1 continuous area.

a yellow filter brought out both poles better. I used this mainly to verify what I was seeing unfiltered, and where I thought the poles were. According to Mars Previewer, the northern pole is actually bigger, but I think the southern was easier to see because it was outlined by the afforementioned dark areas.

I also verified that epsilon lyra is indeed splitable, naked eye. it was really close for me, almost like a double in the eyepiece where you don't actually get dark space in between but can tell there is 2 parts. so you don't need bionic eyesite, but it probably helps.

moon washed out much of anything else I tried to look at, that and I gotta get used to only 5 inches of light.