Double moon transit on Jupiter tonight

by Julius Szakacs

I checked the Starry Night Pro program, around 12:45 am one can catch the double shadow on Jupiter, if you're in a location with good seeing.

I got home at 1:45 am from work and Jupiter was 25 deg high on the eastern sky. Pulled my 3" f/15 Edscorp refractor out, mounted on my Skyview delux GEM, to take a quick look, maybe I can catch Europas transit.

I had to wait 10 minutes for my scope to cool down, because at first peack, Jupiter was blazing in my eyepiece.

Even after half an hour I could not see any shadow transit. I noticed the stars were blinking a lot and my scope didn't perform as good as always. At 180 power the image was falling apart. Saturn looked nice and other bright stars were boiling.

Put my scope away and went to bed.

Did anybody seen the transit or just I was the only unfortunat?