Lunar obs notes 3-Feb
By Paul Sterngold

I couldn't help but respond to the siren's call of clear skies, so I wheeled out the 8" Cave at 10:30pm last night. The seeing wavered but when it was good, it was really good! The lighting was especially nice on the region from Plato to Aristarchus.

I started out with the "white sheep" mountains in Mare Imbrium adjacent to Plato, including Pico. When the seeing steadied, there were fantastic amounts of detail in them. My eye was next attracted to a deep black shadow amidst brigher landscape. I checked my map, and this was the Laplace Promontory. Sinus Iridium occasionaly revealed numerous craterlets on its dark floor, as did the "highlands" just south of it.

Finally, I moved up to Aristarchus -- fascinating! The crater was upstaged by the interesting rille and mountain range just to the west. These form a crooked 'Y' with plenty of detail in both. I observed a dark circular area split by the base of the 'Y' close to Aristarchus. When the seeing steadied, you could make out the path of the rille through this object along with several terraces around its base.

It was really fun and beautiful. If the next storm hasn't arrived tonight, I'm hoping to roll out the scope again.