Bill Arnett
Limiting mag at Skyline

Saturday night at Skyline a few of us counted stars in a little triangle near the zenith in Gemini to try to determine the limiting magnitude as per the method described at

We used Area 4 (Alpha-Epsilon-Beta Gem). I counted 9 stars, Matt got 10 and Mark "Eagle Eye" Wagner got 14. These counts correspond to mag 5.6, 5.7 and 6.3. Since Mark regularly sees things that I don't I took this opportunity to see determine if fault lies with my eyes or my credulity: I got Mark to draw a little chart of the stars he saw which could be checked against a chart. Well, I just got thru checking with Starry Night ... of Mark's 14 stars 13 are clearly right and only one is questionable. At the position of the questionable star there is a mag 7.4 star but there are many other stars brighter than that that he didn't see; the other 13 are mag 6.3 or brighter. My verdict: time to see my eye doctor and give Mark some credit :-)

Of course, the limiting mag was MUCH worse farther from the zenith, especially to the east.