Naked-eye detection of the phase of Venus
By Jay Reynolds Freeman

During the last few weeks I have several times discerned what appeared to be a convincing elongated shape of Venus with the naked eye. It's not a truly blind observation, since I always know where the Sun is, thus how the crescent should be oriented, but nonetheless, I thought it convincing enough to log. The perceived orientation did not vary even when I tilted my head from side to side through more than 120 degrees.

I seem to find the shape more noticeable during early twilight, while the sky is still pretty bright. Possibly that's because my pupil is smaller then, and my overall correction is better, or possibly it's because my eye is less swamped by glare under those conditions.

I got new glasses a month or two ago, and the optometrist remarked that my corrected vision was a "strong 20/15". It is certainly a marginal observation, even so.