Magazine and Discounts

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Publication/Service Term Regular Price Discount Price
Sky and Telescope Magazine 1 year/12 issues $42.95 $32.95
Astronomy Magazine 1 year/12 issues
2 year/24 issues

(Subscriptions in the U.S.)

Sky and Telescope subscriptions are accepted any time. Make a check out to Sky and Telescope for the appropriate amount. If you are a current subscriber, note "renewal" on the check (your 1 year subscription will be added on to the end of your current subscription). If this is a new subscription, please write "new" on the check. Be sure to include the subscriber's name, mailing address and telephone number.

Astronomy Magazine subscriptions are available any time. Make your check out to Kalmbach Publishing Co. for $34.00 or $60.00. State on your check whether yours is a renewal or new subscription. Be sure to include the subscriber's name, mailing address and telephone number.

Contact: Bob Jardine